Always loved me some Blighty. (I hate his other nickname and refuse to use it) The thing I like most about him is that even though he has infect, he can be a wincon by himself. And a really fast clock at that. Also, the art is awesome. He is a Dragon *and* a Skeleton. I'm not sure what that means, but I do know it's awesome. I really like his wings too, all bony and such. Apparently this doesn't stop him from flying however.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Alter 15 - Skithiryx, The Blight Dragon
Always loved me some Blighty. (I hate his other nickname and refuse to use it) The thing I like most about him is that even though he has infect, he can be a wincon by himself. And a really fast clock at that. Also, the art is awesome. He is a Dragon *and* a Skeleton. I'm not sure what that means, but I do know it's awesome. I really like his wings too, all bony and such. Apparently this doesn't stop him from flying however.
Alter 14 - Inkmoth Nexus
Another card that I just really like as a card, which happens to have great artwork, and is playable in many formats. Side story with this one: I finished it a few days ago, but only got around to taking a photo of it yesterday. I set it down on the counter to take the picture, and noticed the side looked weird. I went to pick it up and realized that there was some water on the counter and it had soaked into the card :( (you can see it sorta on the right side) It's drying now, hopefully it will recover to a sleevable state, otherwise I will have to do this one again I think.. bleh.
Alter13 - Green Sun's Zenith
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Alter12 - Caged Sun
This one is a step outside of my comfort zone. I redid the whole background and stuff, which I haven't done before this. This isn't the cleanest alter ever, but I found it encouraging and it gave me a bit more confidence to try out more ambitious stuff. I wanted it to look like it was more night time btw, not sure if that cane across.
Alter11 - Spine of Ish Sah
I tried to do an extension on a Spine for my Legacy deck, but failed so I tried another. Much happier with this one. I learned patience with this one. Getting the colors close is really tough sometimes (I need more paint colors to make it easier I think, I am currently using 6 colors total). But if you just keep making small adjustments to your colors it will eventually work. Sometimes it takes 3 different mixes for me to get it close enough, but you just have to keep doing it until it's right. The picture is actually kinda crappy too and it looks better in real life I think.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Alter10 - Gitaxian Probe
Alter9 - Phyrexian Metamorph
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Alter8 - Moltensteel Dragon
I was really excited to do this one because the art is just awesome. However I rather rudely hit a wall for myself during this one. I was reminded that I am still very much a beginner at painting when I got to the dragon's left wing. I am really not happy with that at all, and I look forward to doing another of these to learn more about how to deal with really tough colors like this. I also have been told that most people have more than 5 paints which is what I have now. I will be remedying this sometime this week however :)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Alter7 - Beast Token
Alter6 - Beast Within
Alter5 - Sharuum, the Hedgemon
Alter4 - Porcelain Legionnaire
Alter3 - Oblivion Ring
Alter2 - Behemoth Sledge
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