Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Project: Desert Bus 5 Donation Complete

The last few posts on here have been about the DesertBus 5 donation project that I have been doing. It's all sent off so I thought I would put up a pic of all the alters together.


  1. Two questions from a late-comer. Are these legal in sanctioned play? And will they be a separate auction item during DB5?

  2. Sol Ring to Rule Them All...

    Do Want!!!

  3. I was more referring to the card quality than anything, as some might scream "PROXY!" if I tried to use one at FNM, but if it's for EDH I doubt they'll care. Either way, I have sleeves, and these alters look AMAZING. So worth the price when they go up during DB.

  4. Josh - Alters are legal for sanctioned tournament play. The only caveat is that the Head Judge can deem basically any card not legal (including alters, foils, old cards, cards in terrible shape, etc) at their discretion. I have never had or heard of anyone having any issues with it however.

    I believe they will be one item, and they will be up for auction on Tuesday evening from 6-7PM.

  5. Due to mail delays they have said that the cards will be auctioned off sometime on Thursday, probably in the afternoon PST.

  6. Well guys, the alters sold for $2,000 at auction! Truly awesome stuff, thanks for all the support and big thanks to the LRR guys for putting on such a sick event every year at!
