Delver is a card that when I initially saw it I just thought "Bad for limited, next." It turns out it is pretty bad for limited. It's made a surprising splash in constructed, specifically in Standard and Legacy, and as a result I have grown to appreciate this card more and more.
I also thought this was one of the best uses of the Transform mechanic, as you can really get a feel for the change from "normal curious guy with a penchant for bugs" to "horrific buglike mutation".
Also as a result, I have gotten some alter requests for this card. My first inclination was to just alter both sides, but after asking around I decided against it. I think that the best way to make the most impact here would be to make the difference from the front to the back the biggest gap possible. That meant leaving the front it's normal innocuous art and card frame. Then when he gets flipped, it's all "BLAM" and he is even more dark and scary than normal. I kept the alter fairly simple as I just wanted to enhance the dark scene and spotlit bug we have in the original.
While I was working on this my friend Nick (@hawzzy) half jokingly said "Make me one where the flip side is the bug guy wearing a party hat"..
Party bug!
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